The All-Powerful Google Umbrella

XPS Solutions The All Powerful Google Umbrella

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Boost Your Ranking by Effectively Managing Your Google Business Profile

Have you ever Googled something like “car inspection near me,” and stumbled upon a company that you have not interacted with yet, so you use their Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) to find out the address, hours of operation, etc.? After using Google Maps to help navigate you to the location, you discover that the details weren’t correct, and the store is not open. Their profile clearly states that the doors open at 9:00 a.m., but upon arrival, you notice a sign on the door that says they don’t open until 10:00 a.m. So disappointing! Would you wait around until they open, or would you choose the next business listed in the search results? I know my answer. I would move right along to the next business on the list because if that company didn’t care enough to update their profile, they probably don’t care about gaining my business either. That is one sure-fire way to repel potential customers, which is the last thing you want to do. This hypothetical business was ranked high on the local search results, most likely because:

  • They actually have a Google Business Profile that is complete (even though not correct)
  • They have a long list of reviews with a decent overall rating
  • They have responded to both positive and negative reviews on their profile
  • They are close to your location when searching for a business “near me”

XPS Solutions Google Business Profile


If you want your business to thrive in today’s environment, an online presence is essential. Interested customers rely heavily on Google to not only find businesses with great reviews but also to learn when they are open and closed and to locate the business by accessing navigation directly from the GBP. If you don’t already have one, you should take some time to create a Google Business Profile, which is a completely free tool that allows companies to manage their online presence for everything under the Google umbrella, including customer reviews, search and maps. And if you do have a GBP already, make sure you haven’t just set it up and forgotten about it, as things like holiday hours and contact information may need to be updated from time to time, and you will want to continue to add photos, respond to reviews andmake it a hub for communication with your tenants. Managing and routinely reviewing your GBP is one of the best ways to increase your online visibility and boost your ranking, which will, in turn, make it easier for customers to find and learn more about your business.

One of the main benefits of having a Google Business Profile is improved visibility on Google. According to research by Whitespark, a premier web and content management provider, “Having a live and managed Google Business Profile is the single best way to rank high when searched for. It accounts for 36% of what Google uses to find and place you.” When consumers search for businesses related to your industry or niche (e.g. self storage), you are more likely to appear in the search results. This increased visibility can lead to more traffic to your website, phone calls and physical visits to your facility. Another significant benefit of a Google Business Profile is the ability to manage your online reputation, which I will discuss in great detail later. Consumers can post reviews of your business on your profile, and you can respond to these reviews and engage with your tenants in a meaningful way. You can build a positive reputation for your business online by addressing negative reviews and providing excellent customer service.

In addition to helping your business appear in search results and managing your online reputation, your GBP can provide valuable insight into your tenants’ behavior. You’ll see how consumers find your facility, what they search for and how they interact with your profile. This data can be used to improve your online presence, make informed business decisions and ultimately lead to more conversions and direct rentals.


Everyone knows tenant reviews are vital to the success of any business, so let’s discuss the potential impact. Think about it—most people turn to Google when they’re looking for products or services, so those reviews hold some serious weight. Positive or negative, they give a glimpse into the value your business offers as well as how you interact with your customers even when things haven’t gone quite right. And the more positive reviews you have, the better it is for your operation.

You want to know why? Because Google is Google, aka the top dog of search engines. When people search for local businesses, you can bet they’re using Google, and if your customers are searching on a mobile device, it’s likely that their default search engine is Google. On top of that, consumer behavior has changed throughout the years. People trust online reviews more than ever before. In fact, a whopping 93% of customers read reviews before making any purchasing decisions.

Now, let’s talk exposure. We already know that to reel in new tenants, you need to have an online presence. Makes sense, right? If future customers can’t find you online, they can’t do business with you. That’s where the Google reviews come in. They affect your online visibility, directly impacting how easy it is for people to find you, and you guessed it, your Google Business Profile. Your GBP can make or break you when it comes to converting those online leads to paying tenants.

Another great benefit when it comes to reviews is that Google picks up on relevant keywords. When a tenant drops a review about your business that includes some juicy keywords, Google takes notice. Google wants to ensure its users are getting the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the crème de la crème, and that’s why they use reviews and keywords to help gather information to comprise a list of top results. For instance, if someone writes a review raving about your “secure storage facility,” Google’s algorithm flags it and will then link your business to related searches and give you a well deserved boost in rankings.

Let’s talk numbers. Imagine you have an average five-star rating but only three reviews. Unfortunately, that’s not a large enough sample size for Google to determine if your business consistently delivers quality service. However, if you amass hundreds of reviews with a solid average rating of 4.5 stars, Google can confidently infer that the majority of your tenants are having great experiences. This positive feedback lets Google know that your business deserves to be recognized and ranked higher.

But that’s not all! Google also values freshness and continuous activity on your GBP. Maintaining a steady flow of current reviews demonstrates to Google that your business is still thriving and deserves a prominent spot in search results.

Let’s not forget the impact that reviews have on local SEO (search engine optimization)—reviews hold significant weight in determining your local search rankings. They influence customers and play a role in how search engine algorithms perceive and rank your business when customers search for “self storage near me” or something similar. Another thing to note is that most regular self-storage tenants rent from storage facilities that are located near their homes, so local rankings are critical to the success of your storage business.

Did you know that Google reviews can also help drive more traffic to your website? Studies reveal that the top three Google search results receive the majority of clicks. Positive eviews can increase click-through rates and lead potential tenants to your online doorstep. Don’t underestimate the power of reviews, as they not only capture attention, but also build trust. Once visitors are on your website, it’s essential that they see the glowing reviews you’ve received, so make sure to display them proudly, as they can help establish credibility and entice future customers to act.


I am so passionate about Google reviews that I won’t even charge you for this bonus content about simple ways you can leverage all those five-star reviews you get.

Gem One – Actionable Feedback at Your Fingertips: Reviews hold the key to understanding what makes your tenants happy, or in some cases, unhappy. For example, let’s say you start reading your reviews and keep noticing that “speaking to someone” at your facility is repeatedly mentioned as a challenge. Bingo! You instantly know where to focus your attention so that you can deliver a swift remedy to this issue. Handling concerns promptly preserves your reputation and opens doors to new possibilities. Remember to ALWAYS respond to reviews, whether positive or negative. Responding to negative reviews lets prospects know that you value customer feedback and are willing to openly work towards finding a solution to any problem that may arise.

 Gem Two – Surfing the Waves of Sentiment: Consumer preferences ebb and flow like the tides. What was deemed satisfactory yesterday might not make the cut today. Reviews serve as your trusty compass, guiding you through the ever-changing landscape of tenant expectations.Stay ahead of the game by adapting to the subtle shifts in sentiment. Your adaptability will be rewarded with loyalty and growth.

Gem Three – The Power of Comparison: Managing multiple facilities can be a high-wire act. But fear not— peek into the realm of tenant feedback, and you’ll unearth invaluable insight about each one’s performance. Illuminate the stars that shine bright and identify those in need of a little TLC (tender love and care). Armed with this knowledge, you can better allocate your precious time, resources and budget. 

Embrace the power of your Google Business Profile to boost online visibility, establish your business as trustworthy and engage with tenants. Ultimately, managing your GBP is essential to the success of your facility. And creating and editing your profile is simple and intuitive, even for technology novices. If you haven’t already done so, take the time to create a page and keep track of tenant feedback. With Google’s name attached to your reviews, future tenants will perceive them as genuine, which builds trust and credibility. Proudly showcase your reviews on your website and social media channels to further enhance your online reputation. With your GBP, you will not only have access to valuable insight, but you could also secure more rentals and opportunities for growth down the line.


Andy Stavros has more than 20 years of experience in sales and business operations in various industries. As the vice president of business development and marketing for XPS Solutions, an industry-leading call center and remote management services provider, he lives and breathes sales and marketing techniques daily to keep both XPS Solutions and its self-storage clients relevant and successful.


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